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Each page on was personally written by Dann Johns, Divorce Mediator & Attorney.

What is divorce mediation?

Divorce mediation is spouses discussing and deciding the terms of their divorce with help from a mediator. Here are three important things to know about divorce mediation: 1. Spouses discuss divorce topics together during one or more sessions with their mediator. 2. Spouses are the decision makers in divorce mediation, not lawyers or judges. 3. The mediator is impartial (never taking sides for or against either spouse).

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Benefits of divorce mediation

The top three benefits of divorce mediation are: 1. costs less than the average Pennsylvania divorce, 2. promptly resolves divorce issues, 3. makes divorce as peaceful as possible. For divorcing mothers and fathers, mediation offers another benefit. It may help divorcing parents keep, or start to build, a positive parenting relationship.

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Steps in a mediation divorce

A typical divorce mediation case has three steps: 1. Spouses meet with a mediator to discuss divorce topics. 2. Legal documents are drafted, reviewed, and signed. 3. A decree changing marital status is requested from a court. Note: In Pennsylvania, this third step is done by submitting paperwork to a judge. Spouses are not required to set foot in court.

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Cost of divorce mediation

Most divorce mediation cases with Dann Johns, Divorce Mediator & Attorney, cost between $4,800 and $7,300 and include: 1. discussing and deciding divorce topics, 2. signing a postnuptial agreement, and 3. filing for a Pennsylvania divorce decree. Lump sum payment is not required. MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express are accepted.

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Timeline for a mediation divorce

In a divorce mediation case, spouses may discuss and decide divorce topics in days, sign legal documents within weeks, and get a Pennsylvania divorce decree within months. Or divorcing spouses may choose a slower pace. Spouses are the decision makers in divorce mediation. Together, they choose how quickly or how slowly to proceed.

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Does each spouse need their own lawyer for a mediation divorce?

Getting your own attorney is not required in a mediation divorce, but is an option. In divorce mediation, each spouse decides for themself whether to get advice from their own lawyer. If you decide to talk to your own attorney, consider doing so before divorce mediation sessions start or ahead of signing legal documents that make the terms decided in mediation enforceable.

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Free consultation about divorce mediation

A free consultation with Dann Johns, Divorce Mediator and Attorney, lasts up to 1.5 hours. It offers you and your spouse: 1. answers to questions about divorce mediation, 2. information (legal, tax, financial, parenting) to help you make informed decisions about divorce, 3. a written estimate of the cost of divorce mediation. Spouses attend the free consultation together.

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Dann Johns, Divorce Mediator & Attorney

I help spouses divorce peacefully, through divorce mediation. Working together we can complete a Pennsylvania mediation divorce without setting foot in court. These are my ideals as a divorce mediator: 1. Peace. I am committed to peaceful resolution of all divorce issues. 2. Impartiality. I do not pick sides for or against either spouse. 3. Kindness. I am kind to both spouses.

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Divorce Peacefully

A peaceful divorce is possible! In Pennsylvania, spouses may choose divorce mediation to: 1. calmly discuss and decide terms of divorce, 2. divorce without setting foot in court, 3. keep costs of divorce as low as possible. In my office, about 9 in 10 couples who try divorce mediation reach an out-of-court agreement to divorce.

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Three tips for a more peaceful divorce mediation

Have a more peaceful divorce mediation by: 1. talking more peacefully, 2. letting go of anger, 3. restoring inner peace. In each moment we have a chance to make our words, thoughts, and lives more peaceful. I hope my website helps you and your spouse find a peaceful path forward.

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Schedule free consultation

Use the webform on this page to schedule a free consultation about divorce mediation with Dann Johns, Divorce Mediator and Attorney. The information you submit with this form will not be disclosed to your spouse, to others, or be sold.

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Privacy & cookie policy for this website

Your privacy is protected by the policy detailed on this webpage, and by Pennsylvania's confidential mediation communications law (42 Pa.C.S. Section 5949). This website stopped using cookies (files that identify your device) on January 4, 2022.

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Accessibility policy for this website

This website should be usable by everyone no matter their abilities. Much care has been taken to meet W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.2, Level A A. If you have trouble using this website, please contact Dann Johns. Your feedback is appreciated, and will be used to improve website accessibility for all.

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